Premium AcalaQuell® Smart/Grande annual package

179.90 CHF311.90 CHF inkl. MwSt

Removes 99.5% of the heaviest impurities from water.

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Annual package Premium filter set for the AcalaQuell® Smart and AcalaQuell® Grande

One annual package consists of:

AcalaQuell®Premiumcartridge : 3 times
Ceramic pre-filter: 1 time
Mineral stones: 1 time
optional decalcification granules 12 times

With new additional minerals we were able to improve our premium cartridge one more time.

The unique AcalaQuell® Premium cartridge consists of 5 chambers:

1. High performance activated carbon

1b. Lime reduction(optional)

2. zeolite

3. alkaline bio ceramics

4.tourmaline bio ceramic and *Pi magnets

5. quartz sand with **EM ceramic

The statutory liability for defects applies.

Annual supply of lime Additional filter

12 x decalcification granules, none, 24 x decalcification granules


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