Ceramic pre-filter for AcalaQuell® Smart/Grande

32.90 CHF inkl. MwSt

Removes 99.5% of the heaviest impurities from water.

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A world first for clean drinking water. This is how the new water treatment plant in Lucerne advertises itself.
The world novelty to purify water is a ceramic filter!!!!
For Acala, this is not new, but time-tested. For over 12 years, our customers have been successfully cleaning their water with the excellent ceramic pre-filter, among other things.

Acala ceramic pre-filter for: AcalaQuell® Smart, AcalaQuell® Grande

With this ceramic pre-filter you are safe from residues such as rust, microorganisms and sediments that your water carries with it on its long journey through the water pipes.

The pores of the AcalaQuell® ceramic pre-filter are made of a highly porous ceramic and have a density/pore size of
of 0.2 to 0.45 µm*. Sediments from the pipes, rust, sand, dust as well as harmful germs do not stand a chance
and cannot penetrate the ceramic.
The pore size is so small that only water can penetrate this ceramic.

All solid components are retained and can be easily removed from the ceramic by lightly rubbing (preferably with the rough side of a household sponge provided especially for this purpose).

This filter has a high efficiency and is consumed only by mechanical stress.
The shelf life is about one year! Depending on the load on your water pipes.

*A micrometer (obsolete also micron, or My after the Greek letter µ)abbreviated µm, corresponds to the millionth of a meter: 1 µm = 10-6 m

The statutory liability for defects applies.


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